Notre Mission

Opticians specialize in the fitting and fabrication of ophthalmic lenses, spectacles, contact lenses, low vision aids and ocular prosthetics. They may also be referred to as an “optical dispenser”, “dispensing optician”, “ophthalmic dispenser”. The prescription for the corrective lenses must be supplied by an ophthalmologist, optometrist or in some countries an orthoptist. This is a regulated profession in most jurisdictions.

  • Examen oculo-visuel complet

  • Services optique complet

  • Examen pour ajustement de lentilles cornéennes

  • Urgence oculaire

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    Heures d'ouverture

    10 AM – 5PM

    Service Rapide

    Service personnalisé et efficace

    Spécialistes Qualifiés

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    Réparations et Ajustements

    Services d'ajustements gratuits


    Garanties limitées sur nos produits

    Recontrez notre optométriste

    Mariame Diaw
    Mariame Diaw
    Optométriste, Msc, CVLT

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